Does Your Pet Have Shedding Issues? Could CBD Be the Answer?
Anyone who owns a dog or a cat understands that shedding is part of the pet-owning experience. Animals lose a certain amount of fur on a daily basis, and, to an extent, it’s totally normal. In fact, humans shed as well, losing about 50 to 100 hairs each day. Each hair follicle has its own life cycle, and shedding is a biological process.
But what happens when it seems like your precious companion is losing more of their fur than usual? Excessive shedding is one of the most common concerns among pet owners. The truth is that there are plenty of reasons why a pet may be shedding excessively, and whatever the reason is, it’s important to find a cure as a pet needs their fur in order to stay warm.
If you’re looking for a natural option when it comes to curbing your pet's excessive shedding, cannabidiol (CBD) may be the answer. With its unique effects on the endocannabinoid system of our furry friends, it’s possible that this natural, plant-based cannabinoid is capable of solving the underlying issue that’s causing so much hair loss.
Now, if you’re not well acquainted with cannabidiol, we understand then, that you may have some concerns about giving it to your pet. But, before you rule it out as a valid treatment option, just know that more studies have been conducted over the last several years that indicate that cats and dogs can respond to CBD in the same way that we do.
Question: Why Do Pets Shed?
As you know, fur is what keeps your pets nice and warm, and protects them during the cold winter months. A lot of pet owners don’t even notice that their pet’s fur has a different level of thickness depending on the time of year it is. During the cold winter months, pet’s fur grows more thickly. In fact, most animals develop a secondary layer of fur beneath their primary coat, and this serves to insulate their bodies. Once the spring weather rolls around, however, they no longer need this abundance of fur. In fact, too much fur could end up harming them as it can lead to overheating. And, so, once the weather warms up, your pet’s fur will begin to shed. This is why during the spring and summer months, you will likely notice more strands of fur lying around the house.
What’s Considered Normal Shedding?
The thing about shedding is that the amount that’s normal can vary from animal to animal. As a pet owner, you most likely spend a lot of time observing your pet and interacting with them. Therefore, you should be able to tell when your pet is shedding more than normal. Like we said, there’s a natural annual cycle to the shedding process, so you should keep that in mind when observing how much fur they are losing.
Can Excessive Shedding Be a Sign of a Health Problem?
Although shedding is a normal biological process, there are cases in which shedding is excessive, and can indicate a health problem. Remember that skin is an organ of the body, and if it’s losing hair, this can be a sign that there’s something wrong with your pet’s health. Now, there are some common culprits behind excessive shedding.
Culprit #1: Stress
Stress can wreak havoc on every organ of the body, and it can also cause hair loss. In fact, humans can lose more hairs when they’re going through a particularly stressful time. Therefore, it’s no surprise that when our furry friends are dealing with stress, they may end up shedding more than what’s considered to be a normal amount.
Culprit #2: Skin Allergy
Another thing to consider is a skin allergy. If your pet is having an allergic reaction to something, whether it be your wool sweater or a new air freshener in the house, they may end up shedding more than normal. This is because when the skin becomes inflamed due to an allergy, the follicles struggle to hold onto individual hairs.
Culprit #3: Skin Ailment
There may also be a skin ailment that is causing your pet’s excessive shedding. Observe their skin and look for signs of irritation or inflammation.
Culprit #4: A Weak Immune System
A weak immune system can be detrimental to every bodily system, including the skin. So, if your pet is shedding a lot, and they also seem to be getting sick more than usual, consider taking them to a vet.
Culprit #5: A More Serious Illness
In rare cases, excessive shedding can be a sign of a much more serious illness. That’s why we recommend taking your pet to the vet if excessive shedding is occurring.
Can CBD Help with Over-Shedding?
While we don’t know whether or not CBD will directly prevent excessive hair loss, we can say that it can address any number of the underlying issues that can lead to this common condition. Before we get into how, let’s discuss the way in which CBD works with your pet’s body.
The Safety of Giving Your Pet CBD
First of all, CBD is considered to be in the clear to give to your pet, because it supplies their endocannabinoid system with what it needs to function properly (we will be getting into that more later). Many clinical trials have been performed in which CBD has been administered to dogs and cats, and no real negative effects have been reported.
CBD and Your Pet’s Body
Your pet has an endocannabinoid system (ECS), and this system regulates every bodily process and system within your pet’s body. In order for the ECS to do its job, it needs cannabinoids. Now, mammals do produce their own cannabinoids, but the problem is that in many cases, we’re deficient. CBD, being a natural cannabinoid, allows this crucial system to do its job. The endocannabinoid system controls everything from the endocrine system to a person’s mood, so, if your pet’s shedding is due to high stress levels, CBD may be able to do wonders.
CBD and Skin-Related Ailments
CBD has been found to be a potent anti-inflammatory agent, meaning that when applied topically to the skin, it may be able to treat inflammation caused by common conditions like allergic reactions and skin-related ailments. Therefore, if your pet’s shedding is caused by a skin problem, CBD may be able to help.
How to Give Your Pet CBD for Issues Related to Shedding
Giving/administering your pet CBD for issues related to shedding involves several considerations to ensure it's safe and effective. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:
- Consult Your Veterinarian: Before starting any new treatment, including CBD, it’s crucial to talk with your veterinarian. They can provide guidance based on your pet's specific health needs and ensure that CBD won’t interfere with any existing medications or conditions. Also, you can discuss with your vet whether CBD should be a short-term solution or part of your pet’s long-term wellness plan. Depending on the underlying cause of the shedding, other interventions might also be recommended.
- Choose the Right Product: There are various CBD products available for pets, including oils, treats, capsules, and topical solutions. For issues related to shedding, an oral form like oil, capsules, or treat might be more beneficial as it can help address the potential underlying stress or anxiety contributing to excessive shedding.
- Check the Dosage: Follow the manufacturer’s dosing guidelines carefully. The appropriate dosage can depend on your pet’s size, weight, and the concentration of the CBD product. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it while monitoring your pet’s response is a prudent approach.
- Monitor Your Pet’s Reactions: Observe your pet closely for any changes in behavior, appetite, or overall health. Look for positive signs such as a reduction in excessive shedding or improved skin health, as well as any negative reactions like lethargy or gastrointestinal upset. Adjust the dosage as needed, in consultation with your veterinarian.
- Consistency is Key: Regular administration is important to achieve and maintain the desired effects. Set a routine for giving CBD to your pet at the same times each day.
- Evaluate Effectiveness: Keep track of your pet's shedding and overall well-being to assess whether the CBD is having a positive effect. This may take some time, so be patient and continue monitoring your pet’s condition over several weeks.
- Quality Matters: Purchase CBD products from reputable manufacturers that provide certificates of analysis (COA) from third-party labs. This ensures the product is free of contaminants and contains the stated amount of CBD.