How Do Humans’ and Animals’ Endocannabinoid Systems Process CBD?
When discussing the key things that make CBD so unique and capable of creating widespread effects, what’s really being talked about is the endocannabinoid system. This is the bodily system that utilizes cannabinoids to produce various results that impact basically every system within the body.
What’s also fascinating about the endocannabinoid system is that it doesn’t only exist in humans. All mammals have this system, and it serves the same function. This means that all mammals can utilize and process cannabinoids in the same way, which is why the pet CBD market is booming at the moment.
Our goal here is take a closer look into the endocannabinoid system, both as it applies to humans and our four-legged friends. We recognize then that more people would like to begin administering their pets CBD, so we’ll really examine how this system works in their bodies, as well as ours.
CBD, Cannabinoids, and the Hemp Plant
Before we talk about the endocannabinoid system, first, let’s discuss cannabinoids themselves. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid, and it’s the most prominent compound in the hemp plant. However, there are over a hundred cannabinoids that can naturally occur in hemp, including other popular ones like cannabinol (CBN), cannabichromene (CBC), cannabigerol (CBG), and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Cannabinoids are not unique to hemp and other cannabis plants, but only cannabis has such a wide array, and such a high volume of cannabinoids within its plant material. That’s why we choose cannabis when we are seeking out the unique effects of cannabinoids.
What’s So Unique About Cannabinoids Then?
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is the bodily system that accumulates cannabinoids like CBD and utilizes them for various purposes. The endocannabinoid system was only discovered in the 1990s, and the research regarding it was used to determine whether or not cannabis plants are actually medicinally useful. Since this discovery, we have learned more and more about this fascinating system, which has a lot to do with the fact that the medical industry is just beginning to take cannabis seriously. If it weren’t for the discovery of the ECS, we may not have a legal CBD market as well as medical marijuana throughout the country.
Now, the endocannabinoid system helps the body maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis is a state in which all of our bodily processes and systems work together harmoniously, so that we can maintain maximum well-being. The ECS does this through regulatory actions. But, in order to do its job, it needs cannabinoids. The body produces its own cannabinoids that are used by the endocannabinoid system, but like many naturally occurring, self-produced compounds, most of us need a boost.
You see, the endocannabinoid system consists of a large web of cannabinoid receptors that are located everywhere in the body – in the digestive tract, the skin, the immune system, the brain, the heart, the blood vessels and more. Each cannabinoid receptor dictates the function of an adjacent bodily process. For example, cannabinoid receptors in the skin help regulate the skin’s inflammation levels, ability to heal from injury, and so on. Cannabinoid receptors in the brain can regulate hormones, cognitive function and neurogenesis.
When the body receives cannabinoids, the endocannabinoid system scoops them up and sends them to where they are most needed throughout the body. Cannabinoids can then bind with cannabinoid receptors that correspond to areas in the body that need to be regulated in order to operate properly.
The endocannabinoid system intelligently stores excess cannabinoids for later use if they are not needed at the moment of administration. Due to this process, CBD is considered nontoxic to mammals, because excess levels are simply put aside rather than stored up in toxic levels.
Regulatory Actions of the Endocannabinoid System
We said that the endocannabinoid system can regulate every bodily process. But, what does that mean, exactly? Well, if you have researched cannabidiol before, then you’ve come across ample amounts of studies showing that it offers all kinds of unique properties to the body. You’ve likely seen studies discussing its effects on pain, mood, cognitive function and even immunity.
Because CBD regulates bodily processes, you’re simply supporting the immune system’s ability to do its job whenever you take CBD. Any area of the body that needs regulation will have cannabinoids sent to it. This is why CBD offers such a wide range of effects.
Difference Between Humans and Mammals Endocannabinoid Systems
Every mammal’s endocannabinoid system fulfills the same role. This means that your cat or dog also has cannabinoid receptors that correspond with different bodily processes, and that taking CBD will allow the cannabinoid to bond with these receptors to force regulatory actions to take place. This is why as of now, there are no known incidents of CBD toxicity in pets. It’s also why the CBD market now offers a rich array of pet-friendly products.
There is one thing though, that you should keep in mind. The endocannabinoid system in your cat or dog is smaller than the one in your own body. Hence, why you can’t just give your pet the same CBD that you take. Pets require a lower milligram strength. For those who don’t know, the milligram strength refers to the potency level of a CBD product. It reflects the number of milligrams of hemp extract in the formula. Our pets do not need the high potency levels that we do to give the endocannabinoid system what it wants, and this is why you must go with a pet-friendly option. CBD pet companies clearly state the body weight for which each potency level they offer is ideal.
Another thing to keep in mind is that pets should NOT consume high levels of THC. It affects them in a way that can be quite disruptive to their system. Now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t give them hemp products. Hemp naturally contains no more than about 0.3 percent THC. This amount isn’t enough to get them high – not even close. What we are saying, however, is that you should not give your pet marijuana, even though the THC in both marijuana and hemp is a cannabinoid.
Properly Supporting the Endocannabinoid System with CBD
Here’s the major question on everyone’s mind: “How can I use CBD in a way that best supports the role of the endocannabinoid system?” Well, below are some basics ways for doing so:
- Ensure that you are using high-quality, lab-tested CBD products. The source of hemp, extraction method, and purity of the product can significantly impact its efficacy.
- Start with a low dose and gradually increase until you find what works best for you. Basically, select a milligram strength that reflects the body’s needs and weight. The higher the milligram strength, the more potent that product is.
- CBD can be ingested via tinctures, capsules, or edibles. It can also be applied topically through creams and balms, or even inhaled via vaporization. The method of consumption will affect how quickly CBD enters your system and begins to interact with the ECS.
- Pay attention to how your body responds to CBD, including any changes in the symptoms you are aiming to alleviate and any potential side effects.
- Yes, you should try to take CBD daily for the best results, as the ECS performs better when it adjusts to receiving a steady dose of CBD daily.
Note: Particularly if you are taking other medications or have underlying health conditions, discussing CBD use with your doctor/physician is crucial. They can provide guidance based on your health history and current medications.
Final Thoughts
The endocannabinoid system is arguably one of the most fascinating biological discoveries in recent decades, and because of our growing knowledge of it, we can utilize CBD in a way that produces the best possible results. Keep in mind though, the scientific community is still researching how cannabidiol interacts with the ECS, and while some studies have shown promising results, comprehensive clinical data is limited. So, whether you’re looking to take CBD yourself or give/administer it to your furry companion in the form of a tincture, edible, or even a topical solution, this information will be especially useful to have on hand.